This question is so hotly debated in the Yoga world and there is so much confusion and canceling on Social Media on this subject that I want to clarify a few notions about the term ‘Namaste’ out there.

Well, the answer is not a simple Yes or No, because Indian culture is very complex

The word ‘Namaste’, pronounced ‘nuh+muh+stey’, originates in Sanskrit but is mainly used only in a few North Indian regions. Most of India does NOT say Namaste. (Note: India has 121 major & 1600 minor languages)

Other regions use variants like Namaskar, Namo Namaha, Namaskara, Namaskaram etc

Etymologically, Namaste means
“my respectful obeisance to you”
Namaḥ = respectful obeisance & te = to you

‘Namaste’ is NOT just a word, its a practice comprising 3 parts
• the spoken word
• the gesture (joining hands/bowing head/genuflecting/touching feet/prostrating)
• the intention

The intention is the main part, without which saying or doing Namaste is mere tokenism

Through Namaste or its variants, we convey the intention of honoring the other, human or non-human. In India, especially in temples & rituals, we ‘Namaste’ to children, Elephants, Cows & Rats too, & NOT only elders

The practice of Namaste is a beautiful practice that reminds us to honor the formless Divine behind the physical form

Some must have seen Thai Airways Flight Staff do a Namaste gesture & greet passengers on board – I love this practice & immediately feel welcomed

Colloquially, Namaste has become a casual greeting amongst Hindi speakers & could be equated to a Hello or a Bye. Many do it as a token, tradition, or a sociocultural norm. Yet, the term still carries its original intent

In my mother language (Marathi) we say ‘Namaskar’ instead of Namaste, when we meet someone, say bye, when we start a letter, when we sign off a note – the aim is to convey the intention. The same with ‘Namaste’

Looking at the rising intolerance, trolling & cancel culture in our society I think we all need some TLC through a heartfelt, sincere Namaste (or its variants)

What do you think?

Imagine if we all sincerely meant “I offer my respectful obeisance to you” & consciously reminded ourselves of the divinity behind every one we encounter, how peaceful our world would be?

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