Hatha Yoga
Cherry-Picking Your Yoga
Why cherry-picking aspects of your Yoga & amplifying them as the entirety can cause confusion amongst sincere seekers
Why cherry-picking aspects of your Yoga & amplifying them as the entirety can cause confusion amongst sincere seekers
We need to liberate Yoga from preconceived notions of how a Yoga-Body should look like. Yoga is for all bodies. Though a lot of good work is been done by many Yoga teachers, it will take a systemic effort to make modern Yoga free of ‘Ideal Yoga Body’ standards
Calling Hatha Yoga a posture practice is like reducing an entire 7 course meal to a plate of salad.
Looking at this complex interaction of cultures and traditions across time-line I picture modern Yoga as a beautiful embroidered tapestry sewn with cross cultural fibers upon a sturdy canvas base of Hatha Yogic ideology and practices.